Today Im going to show you how to replacethe screen on the iPhone 6+. If you want to see any of the other mends go ahead andclick the links on the front menu. Nows the iPhone 6+. With the beings screen it isprone to breakage. So what were going to go ahead and do is take out the bottom twoscrews. They are the Pentalobe screws, the same clamps that are in all the other iPhones.If you need any implements or characters, check the video description. Ill have everythinglinked down there. Take your suction cup and lift up on the screen and that will allowyou to slip your crowbar tool in between the screen and the chassis of the phone. Pry up unusually gentlybecause you dont want to damage the screen any more than it is. And then youll beable to lift the screen up. Dont lift it past 90 severities or youll situate stress onthe ribbing cables that are underneath this metal plate. Take off the 5 jailers. Thenyou can remove the metal plate.And then each of these little ribbing cables is kind oflike a LEGO. You just unsnap them from its little connector and then lift it up. Theresfour little connectors underneath now. Now if the four connectors are done, the screencomes up, and your substitution screen probably wont come with the hardware, so Im goingto show you how to transfer all that to the brand-new screen. Start with the earpiece. Theresthree bolt on the metal bracket. Lift that up. Then you can grab your earpiece out. Onceagain, replacement parts are in the video description. And then youll probably needto move over the replacement parts as well. Theyre glued down so only unsnap thosefrom the aged screen.And then you can lift off the ribbing cable gizmo. This willalso be linked down in the video description below so if your proximity sensor or yourcamera is messed up, go ahead and taken to ensure that out. Theres two fucks holding down thehome button. Remove that bracket. And then theres one more of those little ribbingcable connectors right here so merely unsnap that. And then you can press the home buttonout from the front of the phone. Lift up the little circuit board as well. Make sure notto applied any stress on the ribbing cable at all or else your fingerprint scanner wontwork when you install it again. Theres the residence button and fingerprint scanner. Theresa bunch of fucks around the outside perimeter of the metal dish so go ahead and untie those.And the bottom ribbing cable is still glued to the frame so make sure you pry that upvery gently and then the metal endorse will come away from the screen. There it is, alongwith the fingerprint scanner. And then you can transfer all those constituents over to yournew screen and once again these are attached down in the video description below so ifyou need to buy a brand-new one check there.Place that metal bracket back down on the phoneagain over the little ribbon fluttering thats underneath the earpiece. Make sure itson top. Get all the bolt back in along the sides. Now tells get the home button inplace. Just press it down. The cement that was on it before should still be sticky so itshould just stick right down in there how it was. Clip that ribbing cable. Youllkind of feel a little snap in place just like a LEGO. Put the two bolts on the bracketback in. Rather simple. Now with the earpiece area, you want to get thatlittle bracket in place. Once you get the ribbing cable on top of it itll nurse theplastic better than it is right now. Fold each part individually. Place it exactly whereit needs to go. Its kind of like a baffle so if each persona isnt exactly where it needsto be its not going to fit very smoothly. Slide the earpiece in between the cables becausethe top one of the purposes of the cables have the connections that spawn the earpiece work.Get the cameradown in the little plastic pit and then the metal bracket goes right over the top. Itshould fit very easily, rowing up very easily with the holes. If its not fitting easily, you should probably lift it up and make sure everythings orientation correctly. Now thatall our fractions are on the new screen, we ca go ahead and clip it back in. Once again, youve got to be really careful with these cables.You dont want to bend any of theconnections. So make sure you position it immediately over the connection and then pressdown and youll feel better sound in with your paws. I keep on referencing LEGOs becausethats exactly how it is. Now if your screen has orders through it when you turn it backon theres a chance that one of these ribbon cables didnt come snarled on correctly.So turn your telephone off and then lift up the screen again and make sure each of the connectionsare good. I symbolize theres a chance that your screen is bad but check the connections first.The associates are good on this one so now I can go ahead and made that metal bracketon.Im turning the phone off first because you dont want to work on it at all whilethe phone is on. Now the metal bracket with the 5 fuckings, get that back into place.And the top of the phone has these little trenches that you want to move into the frame.Get that first, and then you can press down along the leading edge, snarling each of those littlethings back into target as well. Remember, dont use a good deal of oblige or youre goingto break your brand-new screen and that is not the direction you want to go.Once your screenis snapped in, you can turn it on, make sure the bottom two Pentalobe fastens are in, andyou are gave. Thanks a ton for watching. The best thing you can do for me is just subscribeto my YouTube channel. I do put up videos fairly often and it does planned a good deal to me.Thanks a ton for watching. If you have any questions go ahead and leave them in the commentsbelow. I do respond reasonably regularly, and feel free to check out my Instagram. I thinkits quite fun ..
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